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Showing posts from February 12, 2021

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Are the Disney Princesses Good Role Models? Part 7: Pocahontas

On the surface level, Pocahontas already seems like a great role model for girls. She is independent, confident and curious about the world around her. She never stops exploring and learning.  Like many Disney Princesses, Pocahontas does not have a mother. But she seeks guidance from the elderly figure Grandmother Willow. Pocahontas goes to Grandmother Willow for advice because she knows Grandmother Willow is the wisest woman she knows, and Grandmother Willow encourages Pocahontas to listen to her heart.   Pocahontas has a bittersweet ending. Instead of choosing to explore the other side of the world with the man she loves, she stays with the people she loves. It’s heartbreaking that she has to say goodbye to the only man she ever loved, but it’s empowering that she chooses to fulfil her destiny as a leader. Unfortunately, The movie has gotten a bad reputation for being racist because it inaccurately paints colonizer John Smith in a heroic light.  In reality, he could be as bad as vill